Last weekend, I participated in my very first craft fair at the Edison Fall Family Spectacular! I have been planning for weeks what my pop up shop look would be like and am so happy with how it turned out. Everyone that came in or walked by was leaving in such a great mood with huge smiles on their faces which made this show even a bigger success and validated all the work we put into preparing for it. It really was a WHOLE serene vibe.

We got so lucky with the weather that day - it was such a clear gorgeous day. So, thankfully when doing our first set-up we didn't have to deal with any rain (it had just rained the day before). On the day of the craft fair, I was so nervous we would be late or that we wouldn't get set up on time. So, I'm so glad we did practice run before the actual craft fair. It helped a lot! It was so much fun to see some of my customers live and in-person and meet some new admirers of Kahani.

Thank you to all those who came out to visit us live and in-person and to our supporters from afar. I definitely learned a lot after my first in-person craft fair and can't wait for the next one.

So much work went into preparing for my pop up shop look and display so I'll definitely be sharing how I prepared for it soon. Hope to see you at the next one - I'll post the next date and location on Instagram.
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